Top 5 Ideas For Your Cloud Space

There seems to be no end to cloud services popping out everywhere. Google Drive, Microsoft's SkyDrive, Dropbox, just Box and probably many others. I now have exactly 70GB of pure cloud goodness:  8GB of Dropbox space, 10GB on Google Drive, 50GB on Box, and 7GB on Microsoft's SkyDrive. But for what? For all people who are wondering what to do with all those space here are the top five ideas you can do.

1. Your personal media storage

It's obvious really, what's your songs doing in your own hardisk now? It's time to move them all to your cloud space. For this you can either:

  • Register with Google Play Music for a huge space of 20,000 songs.
  • Specialize one of your cloud services ONLY for those family photos, that way, you won't be confused searching them out. I recommend Dropbox for this, since they offer a quick gallery view in case your family asks for them.

2. File Backups

Got some documents you don't want to lose? Or secret photos from a trip to Vegas? Store them in a cloud service. I recommend Dropbox, again, due to its encryption feature. Some neat ideas to do is storing those hard, important passwords you often forget. Be sure to encrypt them and change its name though, nothing cracks hackers more than a text file named "passwords.txt"

3. File Sharing

Got some files you want to share with your friends or colleagues? Box is the way to go since, it has the easiest controls and file sharing features. That way when your friend/colleague first register for it, they won't get confused navigating the cloud jungle. For business or enterprise level file sharing, you can make a file or entire folders private, allowing only people you trust to be able to gain access to them.

4. Game Saves

People rarely bring thumb drives for game saves anyways. I know I don't. How many times has it occurred to you? When you wish you can play that 10MB game in your school's computer or in the office computer without needing to start a new game? Reserve another cloud space just for this, or at least put them in its own folder. They deserve it. Go with sync-able services so that when you use another computer, you can just open your cloud drive, sync and play away!

5. Portable Apps

Forget to bring that important USB containing all your oh so important apps? You'll be glad if you store another batch of them in your cloud drive. That way, when you want to use them, you can just download the whole folder to the computer and use them right away! 

So, that's about it for my Ideas, what about yours? What do you do with all those cloud space? Comment down below! For the previous high five, visit Chrome and Top 5 Features Hidden From You

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