Make Your Own Light Show With DIY Color Changing Tubes

The good folks from Audiobody are finally sharing the secrets behind their awesome light shows, well, at least one of them anyways. If you fancy juggling then why don't juggle some color-changing light tubes instead? Hit the jump to see the full details on how the magic is made, including an instructional video. For the new DIY-ers out there, don't worry, the video is easy enough to understand for everyone. At least that's what they said.

Should You Wait For Surface?

Should You Wait For Surface?

Just 3 days ago, Microsoft announced its first tablet with Windows 8 called "Surface". It's as official as it can get, with Surface's official page finally opening up at Microsoft's website So, if you're currently in the market for a tablet, this announcement might leave you wondering whether to buy that new iPad HD or wait for Surface. After all, the Surface can make you wait for at least another 3 months. Hit the jump if you're wondering if Surface is really worth the wait.

Is Your Computer Working As It Should?

Is Your Computer Working As It Should?

Is your computer working as it should? If you have more than a gazillion programs installed and running at the same time then they are probably not. If your computer is not functioning like when you first bought it (or built it), then hit the jump for some tweaks and downloads that can help your computer return to its former glory.

How To Eliminate PDF's Major Annoyances

How To Eliminate PDF's Major Annoyances

If you have ever used a computer this last 10 years, then you must have known about PDF. The PDF file format have hosted several medias we all are familiar with, like e-books, software guides and product instruction manuals. Unfortunately they are annoying to deal with, especially if you use Adobe's Acrobat PDF reader solution. Hit the jump for a faster-alternative PDF reader downloadsmore PDF tips and creative PDF workarounds.

The 5 Most Awesome Hackers Wannabe Computer Pranks

The 5 Most Awesome Hackers Wannabe Computer Pranks

Everyone must have wished to do something "hacky" at one point in their lives. Have you ever felt the urge to 'tamper' with your friend's computer while they are away or in the toilet? Forget writing embarassing statuses in his/her Facebook or checking up their history, that's just child's play. These pranks will leave your friends freaking out while you laugh away (secretly, of course)

System Tool And How To Remove It

System Tool

Have you got a "System Tool" window popping out in your desktop every minute? Bad news, you are infected with a very, very annoying virus. To clean the virus out of your computer you'll be relying on this guide. Click read more to go on.

Unsubscribe Annoying Emails Before It's Too Late

Unsubscribe Annoying Emails Before It's Too Late

If you are anything like me, which I am pretty sure of,  right now you probably have around 1000 or more junk emails sitting in your inbox. If you are still sitting in the triple digits then good, you can still stop them before it's too late.

Learn When To Buy Apple Products

When To Buy Apple Products

So, you have probably decided to buy something from Apple.  Be it their MacBook Pro, Macbook Airs,  iMacs, iPhones, iPad, iPod Nano or iPod touch you should know when is the right time to buy Apple products. That 5 minutes you are spending to read this are probably going to save you some money, even more than a hundred bucks. So there should be no time is money problems here right?

Discover Gmail Hidden Features

Discover Gmail Hidden Features

Gmail is currently rated as the most popular e-mail client in the whole world. It offers you a clean and simple interface that is very easy to navigate and look at. If you have an account, you might not know that there is a settings page integrated in it. It's kinda easy to miss and even if you saw it I highly doubt anyone ever took the time to explore Gmail's setting page. Anyways, I took a quick stroll inside (so you don't have to) and found some very, very interesting features that Google had probably forgotten to mention.

Gadget Saturday: Wireless Router Hacks

Wireless Router Hacks

Today's post will follow my Gadget Saturday tradition where I will write tips, tricks, hacks and reviews for a type of gadget every Saturday. I will write about wireless routers today, and first, I am going to tell you that they are a very powerful block of electronic that you can mod, hack and tweak. If you don't have a wireless connection at home, then this will convince you to get one!